Thanksgiving and Seasonal Holiday Party Design
Are you hosting Thanksgiving and don't know what to do for flowers? Whether you want a simple centerpiece or an elaborate install, we will cover options for each and every occasion. We’ll cover construction basics for simple centerpieces, that effortless garland on the table look, and even hanging installs with twinkle lights! Students will then create a centerpiece to take home and will work as a group to design a tablescape and simple greenery install. Leave with the knowledge and tools to design gorgeous celebrations for any occassion. Open to all levels of experience.
Class is non refundable if you must miss class for any reason. However the cost of the class may be used as a credit towards a future class, or you may transfer your spot to someone else. Class will only run if at least 4 students sign up. If it does not fill, you will be given a complete refund.
Class will be held in Newville, Pennsylvania 17241 - address will be provided upon registering.